Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Bright Idea

Day one will start February 12, 2012.  Today after going through a multitude of stuff and trying to organize I took a cue from the blogger's in blog world and thought, "Hey, maybe if I blog about what I do everyday that will make me actually get stuff accomplished!"  So here's to hoping!  Each day I will tackle a task or two of some sort.  Whether I am organizing my life, my house, my car, your car, well, something.  As much as I know you will absolutely adore every word I write I will also take pictures so you can have more reason's for the adoration you will undeniably feel for this blog.  The more I work on the blog the more cool stuff I will put on it, of course.  I know my friends will follow my blog; if only just to see if I actually do accomplish anything, but to whoever my happen upon this dime in the dozens, I hope you like it!


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