Saturday, April 21, 2012

What's up with this sore thumb?

As you may have all begun to notice there is no way I am keeping up with this everyday.  But to move on I want to put out here that I have done organizing without posting it and not only that but a group of fantastic humans from my 12baskets ministries group came and organized my house for servolution the day before Easter.  It was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.  Since I started working with this group my life has blossomed.  My life is full, there is so much love and I have met so many wonderful ladies.

Before they came to organize I did a few things myself and I wanted to prove it to you so here are a few of my projects.

So here is a drawer that once held, only God knows what.  A little bit of everything got shoved into it.  So after finding something in this drawer that I tore my house apart looking for I took the liberty to make it my organizing project one day.  Now what is all that stuff in there you ask.  Emergency stuff.  Candles, flashlights, walkie talkies, , solid oil, and earphones (i can never find any so yes they are considered emergency items, i usually am walking out the door in a hurry when i need them).

Don't you love twistie ties!  I used to hate them!  I hated when they came with my bread, my trashbags, my anything.  They seemed to be everywhere!  They would end up all over my house and it aggravated the crap out of me.  Well, bye bye messy cords.  Bye bye unused twistie ties.  Of course when I came up with the idea to use them this way I couldn't find any so, thank you garage sales, found a huge bag from an older lady who must have reused them too.  Maybe paid a quarter for all of them plus a gazillion rubber bands, and Lord knows what else.  Thanks again garage sales.  Along with the emergency stuff I did throw in back up items.  I have two chargers (not pictured) that fit multiple items that I don't have enough chargers for.  So when I need one I just hop on over to this drawer and pick it up.  I have a back up phone charger in there also and a back up USB cord.  I would have put my batteries in there but I have to many, but speaking of batteries I also have organized my batteries!

Simple enough, right!  I found this great organizer in the craft section at Walmart and couldn't resist.  I think I may have seen it on Pinterest before but I'm not sure.  I used to have an actual "battery organizer".  It never fit enough batteries and well, it was ugly and hung on the wall.  If I had a garage, maybe, but me and this little apartment they stuck out like a sore thumb.  As little as it seems I was so excited to do this.

I will save the rest for the next blog.  Cross your fingers it happens soon!

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